Friday, November 13, 2009

My Favorite Web Site

My favorite web site is ESP Guitars Company because i am a guitar lover, a want to be a guitar collector some day. i found this page after that i bought my guitar in the mall of Antofagasta, my guitar is an ESP Guitar that's why i search and found this page. I visit this page every week, because every week there's a new notice, of a new custom guitar or concerts o something like that. In the main page you can go to guitars, and go to Alexi Laiho signature series, he is one of my favorist guitar player and there's my guitar :D alexi 200 i love her so much...well... and that's the why i like this page. In this page you can see the latest models of guitars. Also you can see a very variate kinds of musicians and his customs guitars. if you get bored someday visit this page, there's videos and a lot of thing very cool ;)

goodbye :D

Friday, October 23, 2009

Mortal Kombat Photo

tThis photo was taken in Calama two years ago, in my last year of school. People in the photo (left to right): pipe, cristobal and me, my best friends ever, i meet them when we are just kids of 5 or 6 years, and we will be friend for ever i think... this photo was taken for an unknown people ( i really don't remember it) we'd desguise for the mortal kombat characters, Scorpion (me) Subzero (Cristobal) and Smog (pipe). This photo was taken for a competition of Halloween's day of my school and it was the anniversary of my school too, but we had just the second place. i love this photo because it was taken in a really good time of my life with all my friends, i had a lot of good moments in that last year of school, i really miss it, but i still have that real friends, but i'm happy because i make very good friends here, really good friends

Friday, October 16, 2009

My Favorite Piece of Technology

My favorite piece of technology it's my Ipod, because the music is the most important thing in my life and in the ipod, with his huge capacity of memory can store thousands and thousands of songs, of all kind of music.
Besides the Ipod can store videos and photos, and if you have Itunes you can buy a lot of music online, thing that makes listen your favorite music easier than years ago73.
I use my Ipod 24/7 the 365 days of the year, it's so easy to use, only in one second with a roll of the controls, you can change the music you're listening to another song or maybe to a video or photo. If the Ipods not exist, my life it will be so boring and sad, because i shouldn't forget bad moments or makes happier a happy moment, who of us don't have a unforgetable moment with a unfogetable song, with my Ipod i have a lots of moments, with a lots of songs that i will not forget...thanks Ipod...