Friday, October 16, 2009

My Favorite Piece of Technology

My favorite piece of technology it's my Ipod, because the music is the most important thing in my life and in the ipod, with his huge capacity of memory can store thousands and thousands of songs, of all kind of music.
Besides the Ipod can store videos and photos, and if you have Itunes you can buy a lot of music online, thing that makes listen your favorite music easier than years ago73.
I use my Ipod 24/7 the 365 days of the year, it's so easy to use, only in one second with a roll of the controls, you can change the music you're listening to another song or maybe to a video or photo. If the Ipods not exist, my life it will be so boring and sad, because i shouldn't forget bad moments or makes happier a happy moment, who of us don't have a unforgetable moment with a unfogetable song, with my Ipod i have a lots of moments, with a lots of songs that i will not forget...thanks Ipod...


  1. Hi Chichin!
    I love your ipod too, so, if I was you I would take care your ipod of me ! jajaja noo! you know that I'm only joking, or no? jajaja!
    I think that the music help in all moment, as when I fell sad and I want be better, for this reason I believe we need have something to listen to music always...
    I see you tomorrow in the class!


  2. My favorite piece of technology it's my Ipod, because the music is the most important thing in my life and in the ipod, with WW his huge capacity of memory can store thousands and thousands of songs, of all kind of music.
    Besides the Ipod can store videos and photos, and if you have Itunes you can buy a lot of music online, thing that makes listen ^ your favorite music easier than years ago73.
    I use my Ipod 24/7 the 365 days of the year, it's so easy to use, only in one second with a roll of the controls, you can change the music you're listening to another song or maybe to a video or photo. If the Ipods^ not exist, my life WW it will be so boring and sad, because i shouldn't forget bad moments or makes happier a happy moment, ?who of us don't have a SP unforgetable moment with a unfogetable song, with my Ipod i have a lots of moments, with a lots of songs that i will not forget...thanks^ Ipod...

    well done! I have an ipod too and actually my life is in there!

    p.s. you got a 5.7
